Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm a slacker on posting.. but this, this i Love.

i love a good monster pillow.
i made one for nic last year and he loves it too. it now graces daph's crib. i want her to grow up staring at a monster so she's not afraid of them- it makes sense, right?

here is one from noelledoodle- one thing I like about her shop is that she never makes the same monster twice- so yours will be unique!

$42 from Zooguu

$24 from katiekylie

$3 (pattern only) at trulyoutrageous

What i ABHOR:

what the hell is this?
its like someone said: monster pillows sell well on etsy so this sweet little housewife jumped right on that bandwagon
in between selling marykay and sentsy.
for the love.... this is NOT a monster pillow!


  1. Ok....so you're saying there's actually COMPETITION in the monster pillow category? I'm floored. Seriously. Yeah, and the last one would seriously creep out midgets.

  2. have i told you about my "cuddle-a-tard"? they're kind of like these monsters, only based on real cute animals, but effed up by my crappy sewing skills. i will send one to daphne (and maybe her mommy!) soon.
