Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm a slacker on posting.. but this, this i Love.

i love a good monster pillow.
i made one for nic last year and he loves it too. it now graces daph's crib. i want her to grow up staring at a monster so she's not afraid of them- it makes sense, right?

here is one from noelledoodle- one thing I like about her shop is that she never makes the same monster twice- so yours will be unique!

$42 from Zooguu

$24 from katiekylie

$3 (pattern only) at trulyoutrageous

What i ABHOR:

what the hell is this?
its like someone said: monster pillows sell well on etsy so this sweet little housewife jumped right on that bandwagon
in between selling marykay and sentsy.
for the love.... this is NOT a monster pillow!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I heart milkglass. especially hobnail. I am looking for this hobnail butter dish that i believe is what dreams are made of. I search for it in every thrift store or antique shop i visit. So far the only place i've found it is in a hobnail catalog. but still, i search, i want.--oh and i don't want to find it online. i want to find it first hand just for the thrill of it :) I think i'll find it when i'm 70 and i'm ok with that- its fun to have something ilusive to pine after. {its kind of like the one below but it has a little nob at the top. my sister once advised me to never own a butter dish without a handle or i would regret it. since she always seems to be right, i'll stick with her}

$18 from monkeysalwayslook {i looked at the shop, does that make me a monkey?}

Friday, March 20, 2009


Well hell, it is friday isn't it? and once upon a time i used to do an etsy featured seller on fridays. so here it is...

here are the facts. mostly i just like the model used by this etsy seller. why? because she is my daughter- little daphne. kidding. this is a super fantastic etsy shop:

After a bit of prodding, complimenting and fabric shopping- my sister Julie finally took the plunge and has started to make baby slings {and perhaps hooter hiders also, though i am trying to come up with an original name- jug shroud? i think that is nearly as catchy} Julie, admittedly, doesn't have an "eye" for crazy things like baby slings so she has dubbed me to be the "creative director" a job i love, spend time on and one that is done on a completely volunteer basis (till her slings net a million dollars, then i will seek repercussion) though i must note i only picked 2 out of the 4 fabrics of the slings she has up for sale. she took a little license and did it on her own and i have a sneaking suspicion she'll stick with me from now on. fine by me, i like doing it. So baby slings are awesome. if you have a baby and don't have one, you should buy one. And i know an adorable little realtor's wife {and mother of five, no less} that should be the person you buy from. She can custom make it with any fabric you like and let me tell you- this girl can sew. i try, i fail. I don't have the patience to make seems look pretty. But Julie, she's a pro. Just trust me and go run out and buy a sling- every new mom {and dad} has just got to have one. Makes a great shower gift, birthday present, baby present, anniversary gift, wedding present, may day surprise- ect.

*she even let me make the banner- what a nice sister.

i'm back

sorry for the reprieve.
but, i'm back and ready to update daily again-
so keep checking in to see

what i adore.